About Us

Kathy Sipple is the founder of CoThrive Community. She is heavily influenced by the conscious evolutionary work of Barbara Marx Hubbard, permaculture, timebanking and other best practices for regenerative community building.

It is her belief that we currently have all that we need to “restore Eden in our time” if we share what we know, create frameworks that are inclusive for all and celebrate our successes through verbal and visual storytelling. This work is often visionary, as we move from a paradigm of dependence on our traditional economy. Like the butterfly’s imaginal cells, we know what we can be — it is our Divine Blueprint. At the same time, before the butterfly emerges, it can look like a soupy mess inside the cocoon!

We hold the space for the soupy mess to sort itself out. We will not wait for everything to be perfectly aligned before we dare to imagine the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.